His family (lineage 053) is happy to announce to you the birth of Myrtille Jeanne Suzanne CANIVET-MOREAU born on February 2nd in Namur, in Belgium. WELCOME MYRTILLE, the first Canivet of 2015!
The commemorations of war 14-18 flood the media and it brings the Large family to take part as well! We need you; Tell us the war of your grandfathers and grandmothers Canivet (-Canevit-etc)! You may have photos, letters… If you’re interested, write us! We’ll publish it on our website. Thank you in advance!
Who wants to write an article about Canivet and genealogy during challenge AZ? Write to us on contact@canivet.com before the 5/31/2014! So long! Avez-vous entendu parler du Challenge A-Z qui s’est tenu en 2013 à l’initiative de Sophie Boudarel (Bloggeuse généalogiste : la gazette des ancêtres ) ? Il s’agissait, pour qui s’était laissé tenter, de .. read more
The month of november is linked to graveyards but it was not always case. In the previous centuries, it was one of the months of predilection for the organization of marriages and the Canivet Family did not infringe the tradition. En se penchant sur ces quelques graphiques *), on se rend compte que .. read more
The Large Family tree of Canivet counted 50450 people to the 28/02/2010! Among those, 5178 are people not-relationships but quoted in an act referring to Canivet or an ally. 20749 carriers of Name CANIVET there are counted (or assimilated according to the list drawn up on the site). Lastly, you perhaps made part of these .. read more
Louis Canivez homage was held in Fosses-la-ville on may 13th, 2007. This video was recorded by Jean-Marc Boeckmans from JMB production : http://www.jmbproduction.be On september 14th, 2007, we did receive the authorisation from Jean-Marc Boeckmans to show this video on our website and we thank him for that On september 14th, 2007, we did receive .. read more
One of our correspondents sent us this e-mail : I examine Canivet, manufacturer of safes with 19-th fine Lille – 20-th beginning Here is a photo of a safe of the manufacture, in my ownership. Do you know this Canivet ? The history of the manufacturer’s activity of safes ? What it became ? .. read more
During the last one Laetare, our Pierrots musicians who animate dance, play non-stop this familiar tune of all Fossois, of which the composer is certain Louis Canivet. This year, the society celebrated the 135 years of this music appropriate for our folklore. And in that case, we found an article appeared in The Messenger in .. read more
Belgian cousins, and for the happiness of all, there is a very big number of it. French cousins, there is so much if it of it is not any more and even in New Calédonie. One finds also cousins in Germany, in the Grand duchy of Luxemburg, in Switzerland, in Spain and in Portugal. There .. read more
Last year in the serie “We are all cousins”, our cousin Paula CANIVET from England (line 010), was telling us about her superb line going back to 1513 and originated from Jersey. At the same time, our cousin David CANIVET from Canada was communicating his ascendants which were relating to the ones of Paula. This .. read more