
The Large Family Canivet in 14-18

The commemorations of war 14-18 flood the media and it brings the Large family to take part as well! We need you; Tell us the war of your grandfathers and grandmothers Canivet (-Canevit-etc)! You may have photos, letters… If you’re interested, write us! We’ll publish it on our website. Thank you in advance!  

Marriages in november?

  The month of november is linked to graveyards but it was not always case. In the previous centuries, it was one of the months of predilection for the organization of marriages and the Canivet Family did not infringe the tradition.   En se penchant sur ces quelques graphiques *), on se rend compte que .. read more


Monsieur Bernard DELGUSTE, qui avait été en contact en son temps avec notre regretté Lucien Canivez, nous signale la tenue d’une exposition le week-end prochain consacrée à LA MACHINE A FEU DE BERNISSART : ce bâtiment construit en 1782 a abrité une machine à vapeur pour l’exhaure des eaux d’un  puits de recherche de charbon. .. read more

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Louis Canivez homage, may 13, 2007

Louis Canivez homage was held in Fosses-la-ville on may 13th, 2007. This video was recorded by Jean-Marc Boeckmans from JMB production : http://www.jmbproduction.be On september 14th, 2007, we did receive the authorisation from Jean-Marc Boeckmans to show this video on our website and we thank him for that On september 14th, 2007, we did receive .. read more

One looks for a Canivet manufacturer of safes

One of our correspondents sent us this e-mail :   I examine Canivet, manufacturer of safes with 19-th fine Lille – 20-th beginning Here is a photo of a safe of the manufacture, in my ownership. Do you know this Canivet ? The history of the manufacturer’s activity of safes ? What it became ? .. read more

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The unusual objects of Trouville’s salon in France

It is our cousin Jean-Marie SÉJOURNÉ of the lineage 032 who sends us this article of newspaper appeared in Ouest-France of November 4, 2006 The 19-th Salon of the antique dealers of Trouville continues until it on Monday evening. To discover, the stand of the curiosities of Lionel Trazit. Specialized in rarities, Lionel Trazit makes .. read more

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All to Fosses-la-Ville !

It is the cousin Éric, our devoted and competent webmaster who communicated us an article found in the quite last appearance of the “Messenger” of Fosses-la-ville’s region. 2007 seems to be the one that is going to honor and to recognize the famous composer that was Louis CANIVEZ. Meeting all to Fosses-la-Ville next May 13 .. read more

Bernissart – Day oh the patrimony

BERNISSART – Days of the Patrimony 2006 We are in August, 1782 for Bernissart, a curious hatches called pump to fire had just been moved by the Forest of Bon-Secours, quite close. The purpose: to help the minors to overcome in-rushes of water to reach the coal-bed, brief, to open the way of Industrial revolution. .. read more

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Adventures and exploit of the voltigeur Canivet

ADVENTURES AND EXPLOIT OF THE VOLTIGEUR CANIVET TOLD BY HIM EVEN. This time still, they are the cousins Jean-Pierre and Nicolle CAREL-CANIVET Lineage 063 who inform us of this fabulous history. ******************************************************* During the visit of a museum of the extile industry in Alsace in 2000, we had had the surprise to see there this .. read more

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