His family (lineage 053) is happy to announce to you the birth of Myrtille Jeanne Suzanne CANIVET-MOREAU born on February 2nd in Namur, in Belgium. WELCOME MYRTILLE, the first Canivet of 2015!
If you’re in Ashford, U.K., August 2nd 2014 and can make it to the wedding of Gene Young(Josias and Elizabeth Canivet Young) and Jodie Holness, we’d love to welcome our Canivet relatives. If you can’t make it, you can still be apart of it if you wish! http://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newgiftregistry.com%2Fregistry%2Fview%2F401252121%23sthash.EVume1nR.W2ptZyCd.dpuf&h=rAQGLtHzh&s=1 Best to all, The Youngs