
A lineage is a group of people who are related to each other by kinship.

In our case, we chose to create different lineages, even if only for a small number of subjects, in order to facilitate the general file management. This allows the identification of every subject, while the way they are related to one another can be established later. Little by little, thanks to archive research, common origins are found between some of them, which enables us to merge some of the lineages.

The lineage (000) that goes farthest back in time is the one related to the Lords of Roeulx, in the Tournai (BEL) and Cambrai (FRA) areas. It is documented by works of historians based on the chronicle of Gislebert of Mons, among others. This branch, originating from the Count of Flanders Baldwin VII, gave birth to Eustace III, who was the first to bear the name Canivet or Kanivet in the texts (Baldwin of Avesnes). He died between 1220 and 1224. This lineage disappeared with Eustace VI Canivet, who died between 1287 and 1288 without known descent.

Most of the lineages listed in La Grande Famille Canivet’s files date back to the beginning of the 17th century, when church registers first made their apparition. Going beyond this period involves an amount of tedious work as well as consulting even older archive sources like notarial acts records.

Some of them are older:

The lineage 222 originating in Rouen (76), whose ancestor is reputed to be born around 1495. Unfortunately, this one includes only 63 subjects; the lineage 006 with Canivet of la Rougefosse dates back to 1510. The latter are originating in Vierville (14), Normandy.

The lineage 010, having its cradle in St-Saviour (Jersey) comes next, with Thomas’s birth around 1513. This is the oldest lineage with identified contemporary descendants. Members of the Large Family, they currently live in Canada.

Other distinguish themselves by the number of their individuals:

The largest lineage is lineage 003 from Valenciennes (59), with 7363 subjects, then lineage 028 with 4213 subjects, which also originates in Valenciennes but whose link with the latter has not been established yet, next the lineage 004 with 2 383 subjects and finally the lineages 014 – 1 139 subjects, lignée 049 – 1 138, lignée 129 – 1 059, lignée 002 – 965, lignée 001 – 910, 044 – 772, 048 – 703, 010 – 689, 053 – 572, 063 – 571, 007 – 482, 030 – 482, 009 – 468, 016 – 448, 165 – 418, 019 – 406, 151 – 395, 035 – 350, 013 – 334, 022 – 321, 023 – 262, 045 – 240, 150 – 237, 020 – 217, 006 – 192, 126 – 192, 018 – 190, 050 – .184, 077 – 170, 078 – 166, 005 – 158, 158 – 152, 227 – 140, 025 – 138, 060 – 128, 041 -127, 032 – 127, 026 – 122, 283 – 118, 274 – 117, 271 – 115, 279 -112, 021 – 106, etc.

The two lineages that were last created are lineage 300 (Nizon) and 301 (Spézet) from Finistère, featuring a new kind of patronym: Kerganivet, which evolved to Canévet in less than a century.