We found the identity of Captain Canivet

In the serie : « if they did not make the history, at least they contributed to it », on november 29th 2001, you were told about the captain CANIVET who participated to Waterloo battle. We did not know who he was and to which family line he was belonging.
Our cousin Lucien CANIVEZ living in Tertre in Belgium remembered that one of his friends (Marcel BRAIBANT) had told him about a book « Le drame belge de Waterloo » written by retired General Hector Jean COUVREUR. Looking into his archives, he found on page 154 :
CANIVET Pierre, born in Mons on april 8th 1783. Captain. Servicing France from 1804 to 1815. In Belgium : lieutenant-colonel.
Captain Pierre Joseph CANIVET belongs to family line 186, he is the son of Pierre Joseph who was born on feb 19th 1754 in Rouveroy in Belgium and of Adélaïde Fernande MARCHAND who was born around 1756 in Vieux-Ménil. The family line 186 goes back as far as 1690 et find its origins in Rouveroy, Belgium.

Eric Canivet


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